Solar Inverter Price in Pakistan June 2024: Affordable Solutions Revealed!

Solar inverter prices in Pakistan vary depending on a number of factors. You can buy inverters that handle 1-5 Kilowatts for PKR 25,000 to PKR 250,000. If you need bigger ones for 10 kW or more, like several megawatts, they cost more, between PKR 250,000 and PKR 3,000,000, and the exact price will depend on what you need it to do. Nevertheless, as per market surveys, the current prices for solar inverters in Pakistan, for a normal system, as of this year 2024 are as follows:

Latest Solar Inverter Price in Pakistan

No.BrandModelCapacity (KW)Price (Rs.)
1TrionWise 1200 (SOLAR SUPPORTED INVERTER) 12VDC146,000
2HomageHVS-1214 SCC Vertex Solar Charge Inverter Ups 1000W With Official Warranty137,499
3InverexAerox 3.2 KW (Special edition) Black3.2110,000
4InverexVeyron 3.2 KW3.2180,000
5FronusPV 32003.290,000
6FronusPV 52005.2135,000
10Local Solar Inverters(Not Recommended by us)25,000 to 35,000
Note: Please be informed that pricing listed on this page may vary by location and retailer.

Advantages Of Investing In Solar Inverters:

Investing in solar inverters in Pakistan offers several advantages, both on a personal and a broader societal level. Here are some key benefits:

Financial Benefits:

Reduced electricity bills: Solar inverters convert the DC electricity generated by solar panels into usable AC electricity for your home or business. This allows you to reduce your reliance on the national grid, leading to significant savings on your electricity bill over time. 

Potential for net metering: In Pakistan, the government offers net metering programs, allowing you to sell any excess electricity your solar system generates back to the grid. This can further reduce your electricity bills or even generate additional income.

Long-term investment: While the initial investment for a solar system, including the inverter, might be high, it is a long-term investment. Solar systems have lifespans of 25 years or more, and the cost savings on electricity bills can help recoup the initial investment within a few years. 

Return on Investment (ROI): Despite upfront costs, businesses can expect a compelling ROI over time due to advances in solar technology, government incentives, and favorable financing options.

Enhanced Property Value and Corporate Image: Investing in solar can enhance property value, improve corporate image, and attract environmentally conscious customers and investors.

Environmental Benefits:

Renewable energy source: Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source. By using solar power, you are reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner environment. This helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

Other Benefits:

Energy independence: With a solar system, you become less reliant on the national grid, offering a sense of energy independence, especially during periods of power outages. This can be particularly beneficial in areas experiencing frequent power cuts. 

Reduced grid load: As more people adopt solar power, the demand on the national grid decreases, reducing the burden on the energy infrastructure and allowing for better management of energy resources.

However, we request you to take into account some considerations before investing in solar inverters:

Initial investment cost: Though financially rewarding long-term, the initial investment for a solar system, including the inverter, can be high.

Weather dependency: The amount of energy generated by solar panels depends on sunlight availability, and their effectiveness can be reduced during cloudy days.

Three Phase Hybrid Solar Inverter Price In Pakistan

Three phase hybrid solar inverter price in Pakistan in current year 2024:

Note: Please be informed that pricing listed on this page may vary by location and retailer.

What Elements Influence Solar Inverter Prices In Pakistan?

The price of solar inverters in Pakistan is influenced by several factors, and understanding these can help you make informed decisions when purchasing one. Here are some of the key factors affecting solar inverter prices:

Inverter-Specific Factors

Capacity: Larger capacity inverters, capable of handling more power output from solar panels, are generally more expensive than smaller ones. This is because they require more complex components and materials.

Technology and efficiency: Different inverter technologies offer varying levels of efficiency in converting DC to AC power. More advanced and efficient technologies, like microinverters, tend to cost more compared to traditional string inverters. 

Features and functionalities: Inverters can come with various additional features, such as built-in data monitoring system, Wi-Fi connectivity, Smart Grid capability, surge protection and integration. These additional features can significantly increase the price.

Market-Related Factors

Brand: Reputable and established brands with a strong track record often command higher prices compared to lesser-known brands.

Demand and Supply: High demand for inverters, coupled with limited supply, can drive up prices. Conversely, periods with lower demand might lead to discounts or competitive pricing.

Import Cost and Currency Fluctuations: Most inverters are imported into Pakistan. Fluctuations in the exchange rate, particularly the value of the US Dollar, can affect the import cost and ultimately, the selling price.

Government Regulations and Taxes: Government policies, including import duties and taxes, can influence the overall cost of solar inverters.

Additional Factors

Warranty: Longer warranty periods typically indicate higher quality components and potentially higher costs.

Installation costs: While not directly impacting the inverter price, installation costs should be factored into the overall budget.

Solar Solutions in Pakistan: Beyond Inverter Costs

It’s important to weigh the pricing of other important parts, such as batteries and solar panels, in addition to solar inverter prices before starting a solar energy project in Pakistan. In this regard, you may make more informed selections and decisions about energy storage solutions if you are aware of the current battery prices.

Similarly, it’s helpful to compare prices for different solar systems, including 1kW system, 3kW, and 6kW solar system options, to understand how much you’ll need to spend initially, besides the idea of total initial investment you need to make.
Also, looking at solar panel prices in Pakistan will help you get a clear picture of the total cost of solar project, which will help you make wise plans for your solar system installation.

Please note that the prices mentioned in this page are subject to change and may vary based on location and retailer. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, we recommend checking with local suppliers or visiting.