Hybrid Solar System in Pakistan in 2024: On-Grid vs. Off-Grid vs. Hybrid

A hybrid solar system is a combination of solar panels, a battery bank, a hybrid inverter, and  may  also be connected to the utility grid, designed to provide electricity for your home or business during the day from the solar panels, and then switch to the battery bank when the sun goes down.  It has an additional capability to draw power from the utility grid if needed.

Some traders provide the most reasonable and budget-friendly solar system price in Pakistan, with solar packages of different sizes, starting from just RS. 545,000 for a hybrid 3kW solar system without batteries, RS. 1,050,000 for 6kW, RS. 2,050,000 for 10kW system, and RS. 2,350,000 for 15kW solar power setup. Moreover, customized solar systems tailored to specific needs and requirements are also available at a comparatively lower solar system price in Pakistan.

The hybrid solar system is considered as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly energy solution for homes and businesses in Pakistan, with the price varying based on multiple factors such as sunshine hours, solar panel efficiency, weather, and location.

Note: For latest solar system prices, details, performance rates, and panel types, look at our solar system guide. It’s great for comparing prices from various solar panel sellers in Pakistan.

Components Of A Hybrid Solar System

A hybrid solar system combines several key components to generate electricity, store excess solar energy, and provide backup power during outages. 

Solar panels: These are the fundamental units that capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. They’re typically installed on your rooftop or a designated solar field.

Note: You can get to know about the latest price of solar panels and market updates in order to make an informed decision for your system.

Battery bank: This component stores the surplus DC electricity produced by the solar panels during the day for later use. This is particularly beneficial in regions like Pakistan where power outages are frequent.

Hybrid inverter: This is the heart of the system, playing a crucial role in managing power flow. It converts DC electricity from the solar panels or battery bank into usable alternating current (AC) electricity that powers your appliances and devices. Additionally, the hybrid inverter can draw power from the utility grid if needed.

Utility grid connection: A hybrid system can be connected to the traditional electricity grid. This allows you to sell excess solar energy back to the utility company (net metering) or rely on the grid for power when necessary.

Monitoring system (optional): This component provides real-time data on your system’s performance, allowing you to track energy generation, battery health, and power consumption.

Besides these, there are some additional components you might encounter in a hybrid solar system:

Charge controller: This device regulates the charging process of the battery bank, safeguarding it from overcharging and extending its lifespan.

DC disconnect: This acts as a safety switch, enabling you to isolate the DC power supply for maintenance or emergencies.

AC disconnect: Similar to the DC disconnect, this isolates the AC power supply for servicing or safety purposes.

AC distribution panel: This panel distributes the AC electricity generated by the system or drawn from the grid to various circuits in your home.

Which Is The Better Solar System In Pakistan? Hybrid, On-Grid Or Off-Grid

Choosing the best solar system in Pakistan depends on your priorities, electricity situation, energy needs, budget, and location. A hybrid solar system is a combination of on-grid and off-grid systems, offering the advantages of both worlds. It allows you to store excess energy in batteries while remaining connected to the grid, providing backup power during outages and offering some degree of energy independence.

On-GridLower upfront costNet metering (if available)
Off-GridCompletely independent (backup power)Suitable for remote locations
HybridCombines on-grid/off-grid benefitsBackup power & net metering

Hybrid solar system is considered as a suitable option for those seeking the advantages of both on-grid and off-grid systems in Pakistan because it provides backup power during outages, offers energy independence, and remains connected to the grid. 

Differences Between On-Grid, Off-Grid, And Hybrid Solar Systems

There are three kinds of solar energy setups, on-grid, off-grid, and hybrid. Each one connects to the power grid differently, stores energy uniquely, and provides varying electricity access. On-grid systems are good for cities where there’s steady access to the power grid. Off-grid systems are perfect for isolated places that want to be self-sufficient and save money. Hybrid systems mix both approaches, linking to the grid while also storing energy. Which system you choose depends on what you need, where you live, and how much you can spend.

AspectOn-grid Solar SystemOff-grid Solar SystemHybrid Solar System
ConnectionConnected to the public electricity gridNot connected to the electricity gridConnected to the public electricity grid and battery storage
Energy StorageNo energy storage or optional battery storageStores excess power in batteries for later useStores excess energy in batteries for later use
Power OutagesCannot function during blackoutsEnsures continuous power supply without grid connectionProvides backup power during outages
SuitabilityAreas with reliable grid accessRemote areas with unreliable grid accessAreas with frequent power outages
Initial InvestmentLower upfront costsHigher initial investment due to battery requirementHigher upfront costs due to battery storage systems
Energy IndependenceDependent on the main gridOffers complete energy independence and cost savingsPartially dependent on the main grid
Cost SavingsModerate cost savings through feed-in-tariff or creditsCan reduce electricity bills to zero by generating locallyModerate cost savings through feed-in-tariff or credits
Reliance on GridRelies on the main gridMinimal reliance on the main gridPartial reliance on the main grid

Most Popular Size Of Hybrid Solar Systems In Pakistan

In Pakistan, the most popular size of a hybrid solar system is 5 kW, which is suitable for 5 Marla to 10 Marla houses. This size of the system is capable of meeting the typical load requirement of a household, which is also 5 kW. The 5 kW hybrid solar inverter price in Pakistan ranges from rupees 90,000 to rupees 175,000, depending on the brand. 

Some traders offer unmatched prices in Pakistan, starting from just RS. 545,000 for a hybrid 3kW solar system without batteries, RS. 1,050,000 for 6kW, RS. 2,050,000 for 10kW, and RS. 2,350,000 for 12kW. Moreover, customized solar systems tailored to specific needs and requirements are also available at a comparatively lower solar system price in Pakistan.


What Is The Expected Lifespan Of A Hybrid Solar System In Pakistan?

The average lifespan of a hybrid solar system in Pakistan is 25 to 30 years, provided it is well-maintained. Market research and feedback show that a well-maintained 5kW solar system in Pakistan can have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years. However, the lifespan can vary depending on factors such as the quality of components, maintenance practices, and environmental conditions.

What Are The Common Issues Faced By Hybrid Solar Systems In Pakistan?

Hybrid solar systems in Pakistan face common issues such as high cost, maintenance, efficiency, grid connectivity, battery capacity, installation, and regulations. To address these issues, we recommend working with a reputable solar system supplier and installer, perform regular maintenance and monitoring, and ensure compliance with local regulations.