3kW Solar Inverter Price in Pakistan: Everything You Need to Know!

A 3kW solar inverter is a key component in a solar power system that converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity suitable for use in homes or businesses.

There are different types of 3kW solar inverters available, including grid-tie inverters that connect to the utility grid and allow excess electricity to be fed back into the grid, and off-grid inverters which are used in standalone systems without a connection to the grid. The 3kW solar inverters’ price in Pakistan can range from PKR 80,000 to 200,000, depending on the brand and type of inverter. 

Selecting a 3kW solar inverter needs to consider factors such as system requirements, compatibility with other components, efficiency, and warranty to ensure the successful operation of a solar power system, and similarly people choose a 3kW inverter instead of a 5kW or 6kW, or even a 1kW inverter for multiple reasons, including the one that a 3kW inverter is often more affordable than higher capacity inverters, making it a cost-effective choice. 

Price Of Popular 3kw Solar Inverters

The pricing for 3kW solar inverters in Pakistan can range from PKR 80,000 to 200,000, depending on the brand and type of inverter. For instance, a 3kW on-grid inverter from Inverex would roughly cost around PKR 150,000, while a 3kW hybrid inverter could cost around PKR 170,000. 

The prices for 3kW off-grid inverters can range from PKR 140,000 to 180,000. However, it’s important to note that these prices are subject to change based on various factors, such as market demand, supply chain disruptions, and changes in government policies. Therefore, we recommend checking with local solar installers or suppliers for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Here is a table summarizing the prices of the 5 most popular 3kW solar inverters in Pakistan in 2024.

Inverter Brand and ModelPrice in PKR
Axpert MKS 3KW Solar Inverter150,000
Sungrow 3KW Spider Series Hybrid Inverter60,000
Inverex Infini V 3 KW Solar Inverter/Charger150,000
Crown Nova 3.6kw Hybrid Inverter180,000
Fronius Platanium Series Pv2200- Pv12200 Hybrid Inverter58,000

Note: The prices listed above are approximate and may vary based on the specific model and features of the inverter, as well as any applicable taxes or fees, due to which, we recommend checking with a local solar installer or supplier for the most up-to-date and accurate pricing information.

As per our research, market survey and people’s feedback, popular 3kW inverters in Pakistan in 2024 include

Inverex: A local favorite known for reliability and affordability.

Growatt: Offers a good balance of performance and cost-effectiveness for residential systems.

Solis: Another budget-friendly option with good quality.

GoodWe: Known for striking a balance between price and quality.

Huawei: A global leader with a reputation for innovation and high-performance inverters.

Sungrow: Another major player known for commitment to innovation in solar technology.

Fronius: Renowned for superior quality and advanced technology, but may be pricier.

These inverters offer a range of features, including programmable supply priority for PV, battery, and grid, as well as multiple operation modes. They are suitable for both on-grid and off-grid applications and are compatible with a range of batteries.

Factors Affecting Price Of 3kw Solar Inverters In Pakistan

There are some factors that affect the price of 3kW solar inverters, collectively determining the price range with variations based on brand, type, features, market conditions, government policies, installation costs, and battery storage requirements. They include:

1. Brand: Different brands offer 3kW solar inverters at varying price points based on their reputation, quality, and features. Some brands may be more expensive due to their advanced technology or reliability.

2. Type of Inverter: The type of inverter, such as on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid, can influence the price. Hybrid inverters, which offer both grid-tie and off-grid capabilities, may be priced differently compared to on-grid or off-grid inverters.

3. Features and Specifications: Inverters with advanced features like programmable supply priority, multiple operation modes, monitoring software, and communication capabilities may come at a higher price. The efficiency, warranty, and compatibility with other components can also impact the cost.

4. Market Demand: Fluctuations in market demand can affect the pricing of 3kW solar inverters. High demand may lead to higher prices, especially during peak seasons or when there are supply shortages.

5. Government Policies and Incentives: Government policies, subsidies, and incentives related to solar energy can influence the pricing of solar inverters. Changes in regulations or incentives may impact the overall cost of solar power systems.

6. Installation Costs: The installation process and associated costs, such as mounting hardware, wiring, and labor, can contribute to the total price of a 3kW solar inverter system. Installation complexity and location can affect the overall cost.

7. Battery Storage: For hybrid inverters that include battery storage capabilities, the type and capacity of the battery system can impact the overall price of the solar power system.

3kw Solar Inverter And Net Metering

Net metering is a policy that allows individuals and businesses to generate their own electricity using rooftop solar PV systems and sell any excess back to the grid. A 3kW solar inverter can support net metering, provided it has a bi-directional capability and is compatible with the necessary equipment, such as a current sensor and a revenue meter.

The inverter must also be approved by the relevant distribution company (DISCO) for net metering. It is important to remember that the specific inverter models and their compatibility with net metering may vary, so we recommend checking with the manufacturer or supplier for detailed information.


How many solar panels are required for a 3kW solar inverter?

On average, for a 3 kW solar power system, you would need approximately 10 to 12 solar panels. The exact number of panels required can vary based on factors such as the efficiency of the solar panels and the amount of sunlight the location receives. 

Where can I buy a 3kW solar inverter in Pakistan?

There are a number of vendors offering a variety of solar inverters, including 3kW solar inverters, and have different ratings and reviews based on customer experiences.  You can find them online or by searching for solar firms in your area.

What are the recommended features for a solar inverter?

When choosing a solar inverter, consider capacity, type, certifications, brand, safety features, weight, and flexibility. Look for efficiency, voltage range, and monitoring capabilities. Select a reputable brand with warranties and after-sales service.

Ensure safety features and lightweight design for wall-mount and tilt-mount projects. Micro-inverters with MPPT tracking can maximize energy harvest. Consider these factors for optimal performance, safety, and efficiency.